Coaching that helps you put anti racism principles into action.
Advance your anti racism journey.
Hue provides coaching for leaders within organisations. We help support individuals and leadership teams to implement anti racism, justice and inclusion principles in your day to day work as well as into long term plans and strategies.
Everyone is on their own journey to unpack internalised racism and we work with people who want to take the knowledge they have learnt in our workshops and support them to find practical ways to implement them in their work.
What's involved in coaching?
Your coach is an anti racism expert who has lived experience of racism and structural racism in the workplace. They are highly skilled at navigating the internal processes and structures that often restrict the dismantling of oppression in progressive spaces.
In order to be eligible for coaching you must:
Have completed our anti racism workshops
101: Understanding Race and Racism (required)
Allyship or Allyship in your workplace (required)
Deconstructing Whiteness (required)
Be in a senior or leadership position with your organisation
Commit to pre reading and post coaching session work
If you haven’t completed the required pre training for coaching sign up to our upcoming open workshops.