
Our Vision.

We want to create a world where people can be the fullest versions of themselves without experiencing discrimination. A world where people have the tools they need to identify their power and privilege to dismantle systems of oppression.

Our Values.

Respect for lived experience : We employ people with lived experience to create training, policy and practices that organisations can implement to create healthy organisations for staff, supporters and the community. This means remunerating those who have lived experiences of the issues we’re addressing, whilst accessing their invaluable knowledge and expertise.

Inclusive: Our lives are complex. We understand and acknowledge that people experience multiple layers of discrimination and we respect the interconnected nature of different forms of oppression.

Thoughtful: We are here to listen, to learn from those of different lived experiences and cultures, and are committed to doing the work to learn and grow.

Brave: We have the hard conversations. Too often diversity and inclusion training misses the mark by avoiding uncomfortable conversations about power and privilege. To create real change we lean into tough conversations and help people move through it.

First Nations Justice: Hue recognises that there is no justice on stolen land without First Nations justice. We recognise that by working on this land, we work in the context of a 100,000 year history of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people, as well as the recent history of colonisation, which has entrenched racism and injustice into systems of power. Hue is committed to incorporating this understanding into all of our work, working in solidarity with First Nations peoples, and redistributing a proportion of Hue’s income to Pay the Rent to work on the sovereign lands of the Kulin and Eora Nations, and other Nations across the continent.

Healing: We recognise that healing is an integral part of systemic change. At Hue we are committed to healing for our team, for our communities and for our relationships with each other, our cultures and Country. We take a trauma-informed approach to our work and endeavour to support our collective healing.

Our Approach.

We believe that education is an essential part of systemic change and to dismantling systems of oppression. Our training uses strength-based and peer-to-peer learning frameworks, and develops understanding through group activities and facilitated conversations. We make this learning interactive, nuanced and fun, catering to a range of learning styles, knowledge levels, and personality types.

We use a bottom up approach, where knowledge and power are accessed from within communities to inform organisations, not the other way around.

Diversity goes beyond racial justice and includes many areas such as age, gender, ability, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, language, education and socio-economic background.